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Kaplan, Inc., 2014. — 309 p. — ISBN 978-1-4754-2308-2The seventh in the eight books set designed to prepare for the GARP FRM Exam (2014).ContentsPrinciples for the Sound Management of Operational RiskA Review of the Key Issues in Operational Risk Capital ModelingChallenges and pitfalls in measuring operational risk from Loss DataEnterprise risk management: theory and practiceCapital allocation and performance measurementRange of practices and issues in economic capital modelingEstimating liquidity risksModel RiskAssessing the quality of risk measuresLiquidity and leverageObservations on developments in Risk Appetite Frameworks and IT InfrastructurePrinciples for effective data aggregation and risk reportingStress Testing BanksThe Failure Mechanism of Dealer BanksBasel IIBasel IIISelf-TestPast FRM Exam QuestionsFormulas